Concert visuals for Zero 7’s UK National Tour

In 2004 we were invited to create the concert visuals for the band Zero 7 for their UK tour promoting the release of the album “When It Falls”. We wanted the visuals to have a cinematic effect and to create a subtle atmosphere around the band on stage.

In exploring each track on their album in a different way we created lots of different material from documentary film and nostalgic cine footage through to animation using album artwork. The resulting show was a great success and the video above documents some of the highlights.


Creative Direction:Christopher Thomas Allen
Project Management:Alice Ceresole
Visual Artists:Andy Flywheel, Brede Korsmo, James Price, Rob Rainbow & Nicola Godlieb
Animation & motion graphics:Jude Greenaway
Tour Operations:Andy Firman
Documentation editTim Cowie

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