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Short journalistic film about the deep state and surveillance through an investigation of US Airbase Menwith Hill in Norfolk

This short film was commissioned for the Channel 4 programme “SWEN – The News Backwards”, produced by Flame TV in 2000. It was a experimental program where artists were commissioned to create “alliterative” news pieces.

It is a journalistic investigation of the Menwith Hill US Airbase in Norfolk. It was in the news at the time because of its alleged connection with monitoring telecommunications and spying on companies to further American interests around the world.

We were given access to a limited amount of ITN archive footage to use in the film and rest of the piece was made from interviews and footage recorded on location in Norfolk.


Creative Direction:Christopher Thomas Allen, Jude Greenaway & James Price
Sound Design:Scanone
Editing & Post-Production:Christopher Thomas Allen, Tim Cowie, Fauzi Yusoff, Fariz Hanapiah, Jai Rafferty & Helen Omand

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