Interactive audio-visual installation for Getty images exploring their extensive collection of moving image material via keywords and custom software development

In 2013 we were invited to create an installation project for Getty Images at the Cannes Lions 60th Festival of Creativity. It was quite a challenge to represent one of the world’s biggest moving image archives and our response was to create an immersive audio-visual installation that would allow an audience to explore and navigate their huge collection of moving images. This was our first fully interactive installation project and required custom software and high amounts of research and editing to bring its vision to the Getty Images stand.

The installation displayed over 800 video clips across a huge 14-metre-long wall. Each clip was represented as an individual animated film strip that was selected and its animated metadata was activated by a set of Xbox Kinects. This computer vision across the wall allowed groups of visitors to browse and interact with different thematic groups of clips and to select and exchange them by selecting different keywords in their metadata. Each video clip revealed its network of relationships to other clips on the wall, transforming the whole installation into a giant video thesaurus; allowing people to explore different themes and subjects across each collection of curated video content.

We worked with software developer Marek Bereza from “is this good” to develop this project using Openframeworks. The project led to the creation of a new video codec to run the film strip concept of the installation due to the large amount of video data we wanted to use and how it needed to be displayed.

After its initial presentation at Cannes Lions in 2013, the installation was shown in Singapore at the Spikes Festival and to Dubai Expo in 2014.

Creative Director:Christopher Thomas Allen
Interactive Producers:Luis De Jorge Ladrero & Alice Ceresole
Programing & Animation: is this good
Editor: Jai Rafferty
Sound Design:Tim Cowie & Malcolm Litson
Production Assistant:Ashraf Saifullah
Technical Production:Elite AV
Special thanks to:Alwyn Gosford, Nadia Barmada and Lily Currie at Getty Images

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