Award winning animated digital short film exploring the psychogeography of inner city Manchester through the experiences of a partially sighted woman

In Passing was commissioned in 2003 for the Bigger Picture public art project run by the Corner House Gallery in Manchester in conjunction with the BBC. It was a site specific film that was created to be seen on a large LED screen in a busy public square in the the city centre.

The film explores the psycho-geography of Manchester through the experiences of a local woman who is partially sighted. The live action footage and audio field recordings were captured around the location of the screen in Manchester on DV and using a night vision security camera.

It approaches documentary film making from a unique angle, bringing together live action and animation to paint a portrait of the city from the perspective of a person that has heightened senses as a result of their lack of vision. It makes a graphic statement on the issues surrounding disability, our judgment of other people in the city and our common and shared understanding of public space.


Co-Direction:Christopher Thomas Allen & Robert Rainbow
Editor:Christopher Thomas Allen
Animation:Brede Korsmo, Tim Cowie & Nicola Godleib
Producer:Alice Ceresole

Festival Screenings:

Halloween Society‘s short film festival 2004
***Winner of Best Short****
onedoterzero festival
Res Fest 05
Future Shorts 06
Sundance Film Festival 07
Prague Short Film Festival 07

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